Manufacturer: Acavallo

<p>Magnetic care support boot front</p>

SKU: AC9740

Therapeutic Acavallo front boot made of neoprene and magnets. Care and wellness for your horse.

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  • The magnet placed near the Yang SI (Small Intestine) meridian – Ting SI1), acts on inflammatory processes and trauma, circulation on the neck and spine and against left-handedness.
  • The magnet placed near the Yang TH (Triple Heather) meridian – Ting TH1), acts on the anterior knot and against scapular-humeral pain.
  • The magnet placed near the Yin HT (Hearth) meridian – Ting HT9), acts on painful, inflamed and overtired muscles.
  •  The magnet placed near the Yang LI (Large Intestine) meridian – Ting LI1), acts against shoulder-neck muscle spasms and against doggy style.
  • The magnet placed near the Yin PE meridian (Pericardium – Ting PE9), acts on the hoof, on the anterior tendons and ligaments and against laminitis (acute and chronic inflammation).
  • The magnet placed near the Yin LU meridian (Lung – Ting LU11), acts against tendon-muscular dysfunctions of the hoof and against scapular-humeral pain.

Therapeutic boot have magnetic devices that improve cellular function, providing natural therapeutic support from hoof to shin and by reflexology to the entire horse.

They are 2 products in 1, as in addition to the therapeutic function they provide support to the suspensory ligaments and containment of the tendon apparatus, for use when transporting the horse and to decrease typical post-work swelling. There is protection on the outer surface at the height of the pastern-nodel to reduce wear and tear due to rubbing. The elastic bands with Velcro closure are calibrated to optimize tendon support, ensuring comfort and adherence.

The permanent magnets used are composed of a strongly magnetic alloy of Neodymium, Iron and Boron with Nickel coating, capable of exerting a magnetic induction of as much as 2600 Gauss each.

The specific arrangement of the magnets, their flux density, intensity and polarization were studied with the collaboration of veterinarians and professional riders to maximize the localized increase in vascular blood flow and lymphatic circulation, with multiple beneficial effects.
They are manufactured 100% in Italy.