Respiratory Horslyx defends respiratory health, balances forage and grazing deficiencies and encourages natural feeding regimes based on small quantities at frequent intervals.
  • Mentolo, eucalipto e semi di anice per difendere la salute delle vie respiratorie.
  • Il complesso Horslyx ad elevato tenore di vitamine, minerali e oligoelementi.
  • Potenti antiossidanti, vitamina E e selenio, per contribuire ad un sistema immunitario sano.
  • Rame e zinco chelati per migliorare l’assorbimento dei minerali.
  • Biotina, zinco e metionina per la salute degli zoccoli.
  • Elevato contenuto di olio per la salute della pelle e del pelo.

Menthol, eucalyptus and aniseed help keep the airways clear of mucus, helping the horse to breathe easier and drastically reducing stress.
Vitamin C, together with vitamin E and selenium, are powerful antioxidants that help support and maintain the strength and health of the immune system, maximising the horse's natural ability to maintain healthy lung function.
Horslyx's high vitamin, mineral and trace element complex also includes generous levels of copper and zinc chelates.