Garlic Horslyx offers an effective way of feeding natural garlic, balances forage and grazing deficiencies and encourages natural feeding regimes based on small amounts at frequent intervals.
  • Administered in summer, it is a deterrent against insect bites.
  • Administered year-round, it offers the many well-known health benefits of garlic.
  • It is designed to balance nutritional deficiencies in forage and pasture.
  • Helps reduce boredom and stress.
  • Weather resistant - can be used in barns or fields.
  • It is a palatable lickable supplement that requires no mixing or preparation.

Garlic has been fed to horses for hundreds of years, resulting in numerous health benefits.
Garlic consumption is widespread because it acts as an insect repellent and works because the high-sulphur compounds in garlic are released from the skin through natural bodily secretions such as sweat, producing an invisible barrier that flies find repulsive.
As long as the barrier lasts, flies rarely settle on the skin, greatly reducing the level of irritation and agitation normally observed.